
Original Mixed Media Art, “Into the Tallgrass Prairie”


Tall Grass Prairie

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Product Description

“Into the Tallgrass Prairie” is an original art piece by Becky Olvera Schultz.

This art was created on a copper sheet and mounted on a 12″x12″x1″ wood panel. It was created by a patina process using ammonia, vinegar and salt and with hand drawn and cut stencils as well as raffia. The whole process took a week. The end result is very interesting and pretty. The original is available but canvas prints of this piece can be ordered on Becky’s Etsy Shop in various sizes at very affordable pricing.

Original Art, Into the Tallgrass Prairie ©Becky Olvera Schultz

Original Art, Into the Tallgrass Prairie ©Becky Olvera Schultz

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